2014年3月22日,康涅狄格州华人教授协会成立大会在耶鲁大学会议中心举行,我校Prof. Xiusheng Yang (Department of Natural Resources and the Environment) 作为协会的首任会长在会上发表了讲话。
Linda Lorimer, Vice President for Global and Strategic Initiatives, Yale University
Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar, Vice Provost for Diversity, University of Connecticut
Guoxiang Sun, Consul General, Consulate General of China in New York
Henry Lee, Founder of the H. C. Lee IFS, Chief Emeritus of the CT State Police
Lonnie Reed, Senior CT Representative
Qing Yang, President, CAPA-RI, University of Rohde Island
UConnCSSA和Yale CSSA合作协同CAPA-CT的教授们主办了这次会议。我校的文玙和刘颖祯分别为与会教授和嘉宾表演了葫芦丝独奏和琵琶独奏,为会议增添了不少风采。
President Office ofUniversity of ConnecticutChinese Students & Scholars Association
E-mail: President@uconncssa.orgTel: +1 (860) DES CSSA