UConn 2015 春节晚会售票通知


UCONN CSSA举办的”UCONN 2015 羊年春节联欢晚会”即将和大家见面了! 今年的晚会不光有UCONN学子精彩的节目表演,我们还准备好了丰盛美味的新年晚餐。同时,还有神秘的精彩礼品等你拿!
时间:2015年2月20日(周五) 7:00pm, 届时我们将从6:00pm开始欢迎入场的同学。
地点:Rome Commons Ballroom, 626 Gilbert Road Extension, Storrs, CT 06269
售票工作即将开始,今年我们将采用全新的网络售票模式。UCONN的本科生和研究生请点击并在线购买“学生票”(UConn Student Ticket)。每人限购两张,购票时请认真填写学生的真实信息非UCONN学生的朋友以及访问学者请点击”校外票”(Non-UConn Student Ticket)。购买成功后门票将自动发送到购票者的电子邮箱里。
本次春晚原则上对UCONN校内学生免费, 但在网上售票时收取10美元+fee。持有“学生票”的同学将在春晚入场时凭学生证收到$10的退款,持有“校外票”的票款将不予退回。
本次春晚门票将分两次抢票窗口: 第一次抢票窗口将于2015年2月12日(周四)晚上10:00 pm开启, 届时两种票都可以从上面提供的网址购买。第一轮没有抢到票的同学敬请期待第二次抢票窗口的通知.

Welcome to UConn 2015 Spring Festival Gala! This event is hosted by UConn Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA). We have prepared plenty of dilicious food for your holiday dinner, and you will enjoy the amazing performance presented by talented Chinese students and scholars at UConn. You will also get chance to get gifts.  The ticket sales will start at 2/12/2015 Thrusday 10:00pm, and our tickets are limited every year as usual. Don’t miss the great chance to celebrate the most important Chinese festival with your friends!


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

Please provide your valid UConn ID at the entrance of the ballroom.

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

You can transfer your ticket to anyone. But when the name on the ticket does not match the name on the attendee’s ID, we will not refund the ticket fee.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Both printed tickets and E-tickets are accepted. You can show your e-ticket on your mobile device or paper printer ticket, our staffs will scan your tickets at the entrance.

What is the refund policy?

We will only refund the ticket value ($10) to the UConn students with valid UConn IDs.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?

It is OK to enter the ballroom but no refund will be issued under such circumstance.



